How to change TikTok username?
Welcome back to's blog, readers. This week, we'll go through an in-depth article on how you can change your TikTok profile's username so that it gets you maximum eyeballs and as a result, more potential clients as a creator and an influencer...

Hello, and welcome back to's blog, readers. This week, we'll go through an in-depth article on how you can change your TikTok profile's username so that it gets your maximum eyeballs and as a result, more potential clients.
We'll first start by understanding TikTok, we'll then spend some time exploring the origins of 'usernames' or 'screennames' as they were called back in the day, and then we'll finally show you a step-by-step guide on changing your TikTok profile's username, aside from giving your tips of choosing your perfect username.
Read on for more...
What is TikTok?
TikTok, as we've described countless time in this very blog over a number of articles, is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based internet technology company. Most of the content on TikTok involves short dance, lip-sync, comedy and talent videos.

As for its history, it originally started its journey as a Chinese-language app called ‘Douyin.’ TikTok is the name of its international, anglicized version. In 2017, TikTok's parent organization, ByteDance, spent up to $1 billion to buy, a startup situated in Shanghai with an office in Santa Monica, California. was an online life video stage that pretty much enabled users to make short lip-sync and satire recordings, at first discharged in August 2014. It was notable, particularly to the more youthful crowd. Anticipating utilizing the US advanced stage's young users base, TikTok converged with on August 2, 2018 to make a bigger video network, with existing records and information combined into one application, keeping the title TikTok. This finished and made TikTok an overall application, barring China, since China has Douyin.
What is a username?
Usernames are a definitive human usernames (likewise alluded to as administrators) of a product item. The end username remains rather than usernames who uphold or keep up the item, for example, sysops, information base overseers and PC professionals. The term is utilized to extract and separate the individuals who just utilize the product from the engineers of the framework, who upgrade the product for end users. In username focused plan, it likewise recognizes the product administrator from the customer who pays for its turn of events and different partners who may not straightforwardly utilize the product, however help build up its requirements. This deliberation is fundamentally valuable in planning the UI, and alludes to a significant subset of qualities that most expected usernames would share for all intents and purpose.
In username focused plan, personas are made to speak to the kinds of usernames. It is now and then indicated for every persona which kinds of UIs it is alright with (because of past experience or the interface's intrinsic straightforwardness), and what specialized ability and level of information it has in explicit fields or teaches. At the point when not many imperatives are forced on the end-username class, particularly when planning programs for use by the overall population, it is basic practice to expect insignificant specialized aptitude or past preparing in end users.
The end-username advancement discipline obscures the average differentiation among usernames and engineers. It assigns exercises or methods in which individuals who are not expert designers make robotized conduct and complex information objects without huge information on a programming language.
Why does a username benefit you?
The initial step of reserving online media usernames is seeing whether a particular username is accessible. Regardless of whether you haven't dispatched a business yet, guarantee those usernames that you would need. Having these records can make it simpler for clients to discover organization online media accounts. Names that are less natural or are not simply the organization name can be hard for expected supporters to discover. Expect to keep the username under 15 or so characters long as a brief and demonstrate innocence should be the objective. A definitive objective is finding a handle that is accessible on all significant online media stages.
Make A Consistent Brand
Making a reliable brand was referenced above as having 6 distinctive usernames for significant online media stages can be a bad dream. Not exclusively will supporters question if the records are controlled by a similar individual/organization, it can decrease devotees because of this. For an influencer attempting to get by showcasing on their web-based media accounts utilizing the username as a rebate code can be an incredible strategy. Not exclusively can the brand track the ROI on a post the influencer is utilizing yet this markdown can bring deals to a close that in any case would have stalled out in the business pipeline. A brand making 10 diverse rebate codes is just more troublesome than making 1.
What You Need To Do Going Forward
Whenever you have reserved your online media usernames through the best possible legitimate channels the work isn't finished. Comprehend that there will be organizations or people that pretend a business relationship with your business/image now and again. Impede these endeavors as you just need to collaborate with organizations that behave morally. By endeavoring to draw in clients through a bogus business association the business/individual as of now has demonstrated their genuine nature.
Online media usernames are critical most definitely in the present computerized age. Try not to belittle the significance of having the equivalent usernames for all stages. It is the little subtleties in business that can make the greatest contrasts!
How to change your username on TikTok?
As you may know by now, username is a critical part of your online presence. So, we here at get lots of incoming searches and keywords with respect to changing your username. Some of the terms readers of Kasu search for are, "how to change tiktok username, how to change username on tiktok, how to change your tiktok username, how to change your username on tiktok, tiktok how to change username, how to change my username on tiktok, how to change my tiktok username, how to change tiktok username on app, how to change username in tiktok"
That said, the overall step-by-step process for changing your TikTok username to a better crafted one is a fairly simple process. Here's a step-by-step guide that you can follow with ease...
Step 1: Navigate to your TikTok Profile

Step 2: On the profile Menu, tap on 'Edit Username'

Step 3: Enter your new username in the field

Step 4: Click 'SAVE' and enjoy your new username!

TikTok can be an incredibly potent tool in capturing more eyeballs which can then be converted into super lucrative client-base. It's out sincere hope that you found this intuitive and visual guide useful for pushing your TikTok profile to the next level.
Keep checking this space –'s blog for content creators and influencers like you – for in-depth 'how-to' articles.